Our parish meets once a year, on a winter Sunday (usually in late January), in order to discuss the most important matters of the parish and to give reports to all the members--from the clergy, from the treasurers, from Sunday school teachers, etc. The reports are uploaded here when time approaches.
Do keep in mind: our annual parish meetings are open to all—members, visitors, and stoppers-by. Also, we welcome and value everyone's opinions and suggestions. Yet, only members are allowed to vote on any matter and only members are allowed to serve the parish in any official function (such as on the parish council).
The reports for our January 14, 2024 meeting are here: financial report and overview, Fr. Silviu's report.
The reports for our Feb 26, 2023 meeting are here: financial report, Fr. Silviu's letter of introduction. Fr. Silviu did not produce a report for 2022 since he took on the rectorship of the parish in January 2023.